What do we do with our BF2 server?

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Post by yodaddy » Thu Jun 05, 2008 11:09 pm

No JJJ , hef's nickname is Bunny HUMPER. BUNNY HOPPING IS HIS HOBBY.eVER CATCH HIS SHOW on E-TV? Talking about living the life..........HEFNER=DA MAN!

Post by JJJ13 » Thu Jun 05, 2008 9:12 pm

It took me an hour to read it, and understood nothing, GAME ON!!!!

ps...I thought bunny hopping was Hugh Hefner's nickname

Post by MrWright » Thu Jun 05, 2008 9:07 pm


LOL I really got to use it ! ! ! ! But I DID read it all.

Post by CANADIAN_BITCH » Thu Jun 05, 2008 5:44 pm

$ )()( WHEW................needed a smoke and a beer for that post, I guess all I can say is
Enough said


Post by MAD » Thu Jun 05, 2008 5:30 pm

Well I gotta say, I stopped at home after a funeral this afternoon, and before I went back to work I had a quick look at all these posts. I need to tell you all thanks. You gave me something to chuckle about all afternoon lol.

Ok. Now let's get down to business shall we.

First Bev.
BTW.......only time X started to use c4's to see if he could get on a building was after seeing that .in that map .....he has NEVER done that in a game................so I guess the Admin using it in game is wrong!!!!!

I think we need to agree to disagree on this one Mad, I understand alot of what you are saying, BUT I think you alos need to be aware that there are alot of cheats out there for this game. I am not saying everyone who is better then me is a cheat, far from it, BUT there are times, you have to scratch your head and say...........WTH????

So lets just agree to disagree on this one ;-)
I gave MY personal opinion on C4 jumping.
I personally see C4 jumping, like in that screen shot of X on top of hotel, as a cheat.

When I go in a server, and I see someone on top of Hotel like that, I wait to see what will be said to the player about it, and if that's allowed in that server, I leave.
My personal opinion is I do feel C4 jumping onto a roof is a cheap, cheesy, lame, lazy, no talent way to get point's. I wasn't attacking Bob, and personally, I don't give a shit if he does C4 himself onto a roof. All I said was, it's not for me and I wouldn't participate in it.

I scratch my head and wonder wtf a lot, believe me. However, what you don't see me doing is calling someone names and branding them a hacker. That's not cool. No one likes to see that kind of shit going on in a server, and in my experience, that kind of thing clears out a server faster than someone USING a hack.

you CAN toss a nade that far if you know how to throw them really well from that roof.
Let me see you do it then Im a believer
We'll be working on that, believe me lol.
Rotek said he wasn't sniper, he was spec op's and it was in the MPC server and he used C4 to get up there

wishi I took a screenie of it, would end all arguements
I've already suggested that.
He was really carrying on, wouldn't stop talking using the Q and T button, repeating the same thing over and over, I finally told him to be quiet, what does he do, say's sorry about 15 times in a row, jumping all over, thowing nades at me, drops down shoots x with one shot and back up, all in one second
That was plain out bullshit there to get me with one shot while pissin around and not even taking the time to aim for me.
No. That's not plain out bullshit lol. Thats Rotek PISSING AROUND. You ain't the only one has to deal with him you know. Like I've said, I've been playing with him since I started in BF2, and I'm not always on HIS SIDE. Believe me, I get sick and fkn tired of him killing me with one shot most times too, but just because I get frustrated, I don't call him names (well I do but it's all in fun lmao) and accuse him of using a hack. He's just good man, all there is to it. My advice is learn to deal with it, cuz there's better players than him out there and maybe you just haven't met THEM yet, but you will. What will you do then, kick a hole in your machine, cuz someones better? Learn some coping skills lol, I had too.

Apparently, from info read on this site http://wiki.bf2s.com/weapons/sniper-rifles, there is not a sniper rifle that can kill with one shot, if the target has full health. There is one rifle that use to be one shot one kill if shot to the head, but was patched.
The L96A1 is apt to become the most beloved sniper rifle in the assortment. While EA/DICE tries to sell their expansions as balanced with the original game, this gun is clearly a cut above the rest. Take together the best of the M24 and M95 and you’ll end up with the L96A1. It has the same firepower as the M24 and M95, these rifles will reduce the health with 95% of a full health soldier in a single shot. On top of that, the L96A1 is together with the M24 the most accurate weapon in the game. But it overpowers the M24 because of its load time which is equal to the M95.

It was rumoured that this gun would instant kill with one shot, but this is not true. It was supposedly the case while the 1.2 patch was in beta, just like the M95 and the M24, but for obvious reasons this was changed for the official release.

While the personal preference of a sniper will decide between the L96A1 and the M24, the L96A1 is clearly a better choice than the Type 88 or SVD. The M95? Well, ain’t it fun to shoot a non-expecting pilot out of his cockpit?
I have watch people in game throw grenades really far by jumping and throwing. I can't seem to jump and throw at the same time. I am not sure what I am doing wrong. I also find people shooting while jumping. If I hold down the fire button while jumping, it appears that the jump button overrides the fire button and I can't fire again until I stop jumping.

Can someone please explain how to jump throw grenades and c4, and how to jump and shoot? Are these keybinds?

Just out of curiosity, when you pick up another kit off of a dead player, does your player skin change to reflect the new kit?

I'll end with this.
First let me say, that you can get a one shot kill with a head shot with any gun in the game, handguns included. I could have very easily shot X in the head with the 92FS and got a one shot kill instead of using the knife, but using the knife is more, ummmmm, personal. It sends a stronger message...

You CAN throw grenades far, but it does take some practice. You have to have the nade in your hand. Left click to throw it, and when you release the mouse button, jump. Aim high to get max distance. Takes a while to get the accuracy down, but you can do it. You can also hold down the right mouse button with a nade in your hand, and if you watch the bottom right corner of your screen, you'll see your throwing "power bar" load up, then release to throw, but before you do, jump. Then they go even farther.

When you hit G to change kits mid game, yes, your uniform changes to reflect the new kit.

X again:
NO the sniper rifles will take out a person with one shot, but has to be a headshot, or two shots to the body, and as for jumping and throwing nades, you switch to nades, while in motion to throw it you hit your jump button just after to click the throw button and you can heave it alot farther, but still no 132 meters.....LOL

as of shooting while jumping im not sure, the jump button allways overides my fire also.
Different guns have different damage values. You all may or may not know this, but all the guns in BF2 are real guns. PKM for example, is a real LMG (light machine gun). It fires the 7.62 x 54mm Russian , compared to, say, the M24, which shoots the 7.62 x 51mm, which we all know as the .308 Winchester. Both are identical as far as their external ballistics. Now compare them to say, the M16, which shoots a 5.56 x 45mm shell, otherwise known as the .223 Remington. Bullet weights vary for each, but for example, the .308 shoots a 180 grain bullet, compared to the .223's 55 grain. Which would do more damage? The damage values in BF2 reflect the damage values from each gun respectively. Back to the PKM for a moment. With it you can get a one shot kill to the head, a two shot kill to the UPPER body, or a 3 shot kill with hit's anywhere. I've killed players by shooting at their feet, simply because, thats all of them I could see...

They did patch out the mid air firing. What your seeing is the same thing everyone else is seeing, me included. What I think happens is, if your walking and shooting, and you jump without stopping walking, you get off a few shots before the game code takes over. That can become exaggerated, depending on server lag, your connection, the other players connection, even other players pings in the server.

Back to Cruce:
Anyway, apparently jumping and shooting can't be done... Then why am I getting killed by a jumping bean if it can't shoot back. Yes, I can see where it could be a good tactic to cause the other person to use all of their bullets and then stop jumping when you see them reloading, but I have been shot out and killed by those that appear to be jumping and firing at the same time.
See above.

When their feet hit the ground, they shoot at you. Frustrating I know, but with practice, and I'm just starting to get the hang of this, you'll start hitting them to. Keep your sights on them and when they hit the ground, shoot. Depending on their speed and distance from you, you may have to lead them a little bit but not much.
And speaking of running, how come you run out of stamina so fast. Real life military personnel run miles with full gear. I know, because my room mate in college was Army ROTC and I would run with him all the time. Not with full gear of course. All I am saying is let me run farther than just across the road. Okay, maybe I am exaggerating a bit, but it is a very short run.
Your right. However, different kits carry heavier or lighter armor. The support kit, I believe, has the heaviest armor and hence, runs the shortest distance. Thats particularly frustrating to me, because thats the only kit I play. Sometimes I cant even make it to the flag with the rest of my squad and miss the points simply because I cant keep up.
And don't piss off admins.

Very good advice, but sometimes you won't even know who the admin's are. They don't always wear tags. Thats how I got a ban on a guy in the MPC server, he didn't see any tags, figured he could get away with whatever he was doing. I don't even remember now what it was, but it made me pay attention...

Everyone needs to vent sometimes, maybe we should all pitch in and buy cruce a soapbox LOL.

And yes Ive been shot plenty of times by a guy moving or bunny hopping at the same time, so im not sure what they are using to be able to do it.
Why are you so convinced their "using something"? That implies you think their using a hack. Do you have proof of it? How would you feel if someone was to call you a hack or an "aimbotter" and you weren't using one? I think you know how that might feel eh?
And some people might call our server stupid since we have the no jets server, jets may attack other jets and choppers and used for bail outs, but no ground attacks, well that was put in there to keep the damm jets whores off our server, and believe me there is alot of people out there that hate jets whores, so our server might do well with that rule.
Personally, I think you can do whatever you want with the server, as long as the members are ok with it, who cares what anyone else thinks. The only problem I see with that rule, is it will be almost impossible to enforce. Unless you don't mind tabbing in and out of game to police the server. Personally thats too distracting. I'd rather play than be constantly monitoring what other players are doing. As an admin in a server, thats your job, be the admin. That doesn't mean it's a part time job only when someone does something against you. That means being the admin for everyone in the server at the same time, and it's not an easy task. Kind of like being commander in BF2. I don't care who the player is, but commanders should COMMAND, not play. Thats akin to talking on a cell phone and driving, you can't do both as well as you could do one thing by itself.

You and I have been admins in MPC servers for quite a few years, and me in a few other's. It's a full time, thankless job, with no pay.

Ok. The Mother Of All Posts, is now complete. Personally, I think ya'll should chip in and by me a trophy LMAO

Post by THEXFILES » Thu Jun 05, 2008 1:01 pm

Yes some servers have very stupid rules, BIA dragon valley server, no base raping or spawn killing, but i had a guy ]BIA[MEDLIFE circling around a base in a chopper, taking out eveything that was moving, and he was not going for the flag, so i ask if he was allowed to spawn kill while no attempt to get the flag, i was told to shut up and play............So he can do it cause its thier server, I would do it and get kicked, figure that one out.

And yes Ive been shot plenty of times by a guy moving or bunny hopping at the same time, so im not sure what they are using to be able to do it.

Ever notice it seems you can run farther in a Infintry server than you can in dragon valley?

And some people might call our server stupid since we have the no jets server, jets may attack other jets and choppers and used for bail outs, but no ground attacks, well that was put in there to keep the damm jets whores off our server, and believe me there is alot of people out there that hate jets whores, so our server might do well with that rule.

Post by Cruce » Thu Jun 05, 2008 12:08 pm

Post by THEXFILES » Thu Jun 05, 2008 11:30 am

NO the sniper rifles will take out a person with one shot, but has to be a headshot, or two shots to the body, and as for jumping and throwing nades, you switch to nades, while in motion to throw it you hit your jump button just after to click the throw button and you can heave it alot farther, but still no 132 meters.....LOL

as of shooting while jumping im not sure, the jump button allways overides my fire also.

Post by Cruce » Thu Jun 05, 2008 11:15 am

Apparently, from info read on this site http://wiki.bf2s.com/weapons/sniper-rifles, there is not a sniper rifle that can kill with one shot, if the target has full health. There is one rifle that use to be one shot one kill if shot to the head, but was patched.
The L96A1 is apt to become the most beloved sniper rifle in the assortment. While EA/DICE tries to sell their expansions as balanced with the original game, this gun is clearly a cut above the rest. Take together the best of the M24 and M95 and you’ll end up with the L96A1. It has the same firepower as the M24 and M95, these rifles will reduce the health with 95% of a full health soldier in a single shot. On top of that, the L96A1 is together with the M24 the most accurate weapon in the game. But it overpowers the M24 because of its load time which is equal to the M95.

It was rumoured that this gun would instant kill with one shot, but this is not true. It was supposedly the case while the 1.2 patch was in beta, just like the M95 and the M24, but for obvious reasons this was changed for the official release.

While the personal preference of a sniper will decide between the L96A1 and the M24, the L96A1 is clearly a better choice than the Type 88 or SVD. The M95? Well, ain’t it fun to shoot a non-expecting pilot out of his cockpit?
I have watch people in game throw grenades really far by jumping and throwing. I can't seem to jump and throw at the same time. I am not sure what I am doing wrong. I also find people shooting while jumping. If I hold down the fire button while jumping, it appears that the jump button overrides the fire button and I can't fire again until I stop jumping.

Can someone please explain how to jump throw grenades and c4, and how to jump and shoot? Are these keybinds?

Just out of curiosity, when you pick up another kit off of a dead player, does your player skin change to reflect the new kit?

I'll end with this.

Post by THEXFILES » Thu Jun 05, 2008 7:51 am

Well you can ask the Diceman, i set the server to ff off to see how it was possible to get on those roofs, ask dice, we were laughing about it, once we did that for awile i turned ff back on, never once have i done that in a game, It did happen to me in dragon valley xxx server once by mistake when laying down c4 at river village and the damm last stick blew up on me and trhew me on that little roof.
you CAN toss a nade that far if you know how to throw them really well from that roof.
Let me see you do it then Im a believer

Rotek said he wasn't sniper, he was spec op's and it was in the MPC server and he used C4 to get up there

wishi I took a screenie of it, would end all arguements, but it was just him and me at first and I was curious how he got up there, so i ask him, he would not answer me about 4 times that i asked ,he was a sniper, and he was on top that building, he killed me 3 -4 times in a row, i know, I finally plucked him off that roof and in my scope he was a sniper, so after i killed him, I ran down from the suburbs to see how he got up thier and there was not a ladder anywhere.

May have been a glitch in the game, not sure but one thing he did that was really odd to me is what cb said, and it happen just like this
He was really carrying on, wouldn't stop talking using the Q and T button, repeating the same thing over and over, I finally told him to be quiet, what does he do, say's sorry about 15 times in a row, jumping all over, thowing nades at me, drops down shoots x with one shot and back up, all in one second
That was plain out bullshit there to get me with one shot while pissin around and not even taking the time to aim for me.

Post by CANADIAN_BITCH » Thu Jun 05, 2008 7:41 am

BTW.......only time X started to use c4's to see if he could get on a building was after seeing that .in that map .....he has NEVER done that in a game................so I guess the Admin using it in game is wrong!!!!!

I think we need to agree to disagree on this one Mad, I understand alot of what you are saying, BUT I think you alos need to be aware that there are alot of cheats out there for this game. I am not saying everyone who is better then me is a cheat, far from it, BUT there are times, you have to scratch your head and say...........WTH????

So lets just agree to disagree on this one ;-)

Post by MAD » Thu Jun 05, 2008 6:06 am


We need artillery over here sir!
We need artillery over here sir!

Hey, I need a ride.
Hey, I need a ride.

I've spotted mobile AA.
I've spotted mobile AA.

Enemy chopper.
Enemy chopper.

Enemy boat spotted.
Enemy boat spotted.

All of that in an I/O server. I wonder why.......

I do all that silly shit too, so I guess I look like a retard as well LMAO. The better you become at the game, the easier you'll get bored when there isn't much action, what can I say? lol It's suppose to be funny, but some might not think so. Lot's of player's do things like that when there just isn't much action. Like we need a reason to hit the buttons we normally would when there is a lot of action.

I talked to Rotek in vent last night with cammie. They were in vent together when this took place. Rotek said he wasn't sniper, he was spec op's and it was in the MPC server and he used C4 to get up there. Personally, I've never seen anyone on that roof, but Rotek, cammie and a few other people I showed the screen shot to, said you CAN toss a nade that far if you know how to throw them really well from that roof.

As far as I remember, I had the MPC server set to FF on, FF mines off, so that no one could C4 themselves onto a roof. I don't know who changed it or why and in my opinion, that's how it should be set. I personally see C4 jumping, like in that screen shot of X on top of hotel, as a cheat. However, it's been changed and X himself goes on roofs you normally couldn't get on top of. If an admin does it, so can everyone else, and it wouldn't be fair to kick, ban, or bitch about other people doing the same thing as an admin. When I go in a server, and I see someone on top of Hotel like that, I wait to see what will be said to the player about it, and if that's allowed in that server, I leave.

I've also seen a glitch in the game where you see someone with one kit, but they actually have another. For example, I've been killed by snipers with a G36E. It's rare, but it does happen. The same as I've seen in the on screen messages I was shot with one gun, when in fact it was a different gun. Every time they patched the game, they fixed a few glitches like that, but some do still exist. Bf2, for as many times as it has been patched, it is still a buggy game, so I guess we all have to live with certain things.

Post by CANADIAN_BITCH » Thu Jun 05, 2008 3:40 am

I got in the map, X asked me too................yes he was a sniper, no there was no ladder to get on that building,I walked around the building 3 times to check. I was on his team, I don't know if he know's that X and I are married, and I can see whats on his screen as our computers are side by side. He was really carrying on, wouldn't stop talking using the Q and T button, repeating the same thing over and over, I finally told him to be quiet, what does he do, say's sorry about 15 times in a row, jumping all over, thowing nades at me, drops down shoots x with one shot and back up, all in one second. Just letting you know what I saw. ;)

Post by JP2 » Thu Jun 05, 2008 12:41 am

I don't know if the hat should fit on my head X but it's my high season and I can't play for the moment. If you want to put Dragon Valley , You have my blessings. I'll be back in a couple of days. LOL

Post by MAD » Wed Jun 04, 2008 7:11 pm

Never anything wrong with wanting to learn.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ct_BbzVmbzU That will give you a very basic idea. Just the first hit in a Google search for "BF2 Glitching".

Even I learned something. I didn't know you could use the boat spawning to push you under the platform lol.
