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**** BF2 Server Rules ****

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**** BF2 Server Rules ****

Postby Cruce » Mon Oct 06, 2008 4:54 pm

These are our BF2 Server Rules. They may change without notice.

1. No dropping of vehicles and supplies on un-expecting victims.
2. No artillery on uncaps unless you control all flags. If artillery starts to go off while a flag goes neutral, well there really is no way to tell which happened first is there.
3. Commanders are to command, so don't let us catch you in any type of armored aircraft/vehicle or asset.
4. Commanders are free to move around the map to get into better position (this includes the use of non-armored vehicles) and to defend themselves.

In Game Combat
1. Snipers can attack anywhere with sniper weapons.
2. Do not attack uncaps if u do not have all the flags. If a flag is neutral, you do not control it.
3. No spawn camping/Base raping. You are allowed to defend team mates capturing a flag.
4. Helos, capture the flag then get out. No hovering above just to take out players as they spawn.
5. JETS, 25 kill limit, afterwards, get out and give someone else a chance. Or if we decide that you are just being a Jet-Whore, will get you Warned/Kick/Banned.
6. No Single man T.V. from any type or airborne craft.
7. Special Forces, take out assets in uncaps then get out. If you are not Special Forces, you have no right to be there, unless to steal.
8. You can steal enemy aircrafts and vehicles. In regards to uncaps, you are not allow to attack anyone while stealing. This is mainly for the carrier. Another words, get what you came for, then get out.
9. On land and in water ramming is allowed. No premeditated ramming with aircrafts.
10. No TK period. Yes that includes redlining.

Common Sense
1. No disrespect to any player or admins.
2. No racism
3. No recruiting on our servers.
4. No Cheating, Hacking or Glitching.
5. No useless chat spamming.

Not following the rules will get you Warned, Kicked, then Banned. If we find that the infraction warrants it (for example: being disrespectful), you may be Kicked without warning.
a cruce salus - from the cross comes salvation

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