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Triggered Sounds......

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 2:59 pm
by ghost_writer
How To Add In Triggered Sound F.X.

Firstly add in a normal trigger, and put whatever name you want for the Event. Next, add in a Scripted Trigger, I think it is, (like the Special Event dealie in the previous editors) and set the A.I. script to have:
0. Action_WaitForEvent > External Event: Whatever your trigger Event name is
1. PLAYSOUND > Whatever sound you want
2. Action_GOTOACTION > Action Number 0
Youll have to add numbers 0 - 2 in one at a time with the Add button thing. Basically the A.I. script part of it has to be in that order, so that it waits for the player to hit the trigger, then plays the sound, and then returns & waits for trigger activity again. You may want to adjust the retrigger delay on the initial trigger also. This method will play the sound effect near you, and not as an announcement, so its handy for stuff like creaking bridges and the like, and you can adjust the volume significantly too. If you open the Rrajigar Mine level, you can see how its done in there, if you dont understand me. 8)