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Emitters and damage

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 10:19 am
by Cruce
Hello Everyone,
I know what your thinking... Where have you been and what happened to your map? Well, I figured that since I had to correct some issues with CruceIsland that I would go ahead an incorporate some features that I have been playing with. One of these features has to do with emitter particles. I have this emitter setup on a trigger. Is it possible to set it up so that if a player gets hit by the particles from this emitter that it instantly kills them? I know what your thinking... He must be setting up traps that can be triggered when another player is within range. No, but that would make for an interesting map. I know I have seen maps that had fires that would kill you if you got too close, but can't remember which ones.
Any help would be great. You should be seeing more of me on the server by July. This month has been busy.

From what I have read, it looks like I should have titled this thread "Triggered Volumes". Anyone no how to do a triggered volume. I have read some other posts on the matter, but can't seem to get it to work. Something about setting the volume-> bStatic property to false... I can't find a bStatic property. I am currently trying to use the LavaVolume, because I like the cool skeleton that shows up when you get toasted. LOL
So, does anyone have a working triggered volume?

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2006 11:22 am
by Cruce
This is totally cool. I finally got it to work. The bStatic property is hidden. In the command line you have to type "editobj VolumeObjectName", without the quotes. This brings up a new properties box. bStatic is under a property section called None.

Come to find out, this works if you are not online. The problem is that the default value for bStatic gets set back to true on the server. You have to create a sub-class of the volume, Volume -> LavaVolume -> TriggereLavaVolume in my case. The bStatic value then can be set for this sub-class.